Friday, October 5, 2012

Claudia v. Hamlet

Day 1 in Court 
(Scene I)

Bailiff: Please rise. The Court of the Second Judicial District, Criminal Division, is now in session, the Honorable Judge Hanson presiding.
Judge: Everyone but the jury may be seated. Bailiff, please swear in the jury.
Bailiff: Please raise your right hand. Do you solemnly swear or affirm that you will truly listen to this case and render a true verdict and a fair sentence as to this defendant? 
Jury: (In unison) I do.
Bailiff: You may be seated.
Judge: Bailiff, what is today's case?
Bailiff: Your Honor, today's case is Claudia v. Hamlet.
Judge: Prosecution, you may call your first witness. 
Prosecutor: Thank you, your Honor. I call to the stand Bernardo.
Bailiff: (Witness stands) Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
Bernardo: I do.
Prosecutor: Bernardo where were you on the night of the 25th in December?
Bernardo: I was on guard duty at the Elsinore Estate.
Prosecutor: Can you please explain what happened that night?
Bernardo: Well, I was just coming onto my shift and saw that Francisco was still there. When he saw me it was obvious he was pretty shaken up about something, but he wouldn't say and so I took his spot and he left as quick as he could. After he left Horatio and Marcellus came and we made our rounds as we usually do.
Prosecutor: Did you find anything unusual on your rounds?
Bernardo: Yes, we found a letter.
Prosecutor: And what did the letter say?
Prosecutor: It said that, "If you are reading this letter then please tell my son, Hamlet, that his mother has a message for him." It was signed by Hannah, Hamlet's mother.
Prosecutor: And did you intend on doing what the letter said?
Bernardo: Yes, Hamlet is a dear friend to me, Marcellus, and Horatio. So we thought it was the right thing to notify Hamlet as soon as we saw him.
Prosecution: Thank you, Bernardo. No further questions, your Honor.
-Defense Cross Examines-

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